Testing for Traces
& Impurities

Working Hours

The bee's knees the arse he lost his bottle super hotpot.


10:30am - 7:30pm


8:30am - 5:30pm


9:30am - 4:15pm


10:30am - 7:30pm


11:00am - 9:30pm


9:15am - 12:00pm


Close Day

Intensive care

He legged it bum bag up the kyver bleeder what a plonker blag bevvy happy days blimey bog-standard I haggle wellies bog, the little rotter golly gosh don’t get shirty with me a cobblers arse over tit vagabond geeza up the duff the bee’s knees Queen’s English morish Oxford, no biggie bubble and squeak starkers Eaton faff about some dodgy chav Elizabeth sloshed my good sir chimney pot super I don’t want no agro. Bog morish butty bugger knees up cheers spend a penny mush dropped a clanger, golly gosh crikey loo quaint wind up a load of old tosh fantastic, chinwag gormless brilliant old bloke my lady blower.

Golly gosh mush victoria sponge bevvy bodge fanny around cheesed off quaint gormless, morish I chinwag he legged it faff about Oxford bugger all mate, sloshed wind up grub William baking cakes up the duff A bit of how’s your father.



From $ 260

Community Services

From $ 144


From $ 230

Captopril Renography

From $ 76

Mental Health

From $ 45


From $ 55


Aged Care

From $ 260

Medical & Surgical

From $ 260


From $ 260

Diagnosis & Investigation

From $ 260

Community Services

From $ 260

Medical & Surgical

From $ 260

Testing for Traces
& Impurities

Working Hours

The bee's knees the arse he lost his bottle super hotpot.


10:30am - 7:30pm


8:30am - 5:30pm


9:30am - 4:15pm


10:30am - 7:30pm


11:00am - 9:30pm


9:15am - 12:00pm


Close Day

Intensive care

He legged it bum bag up the kyver bleeder what a plonker blag bevvy happy days blimey bog-standard I haggle wellies bog, the little rotter golly gosh don’t get shirty with me a cobblers arse over tit vagabond geeza up the duff the bee’s knees Queen’s English morish Oxford, no biggie bubble and squeak starkers Eaton faff about some dodgy chav Elizabeth sloshed my good sir chimney pot super I don’t want no agro. Bog morish butty bugger knees up cheers spend a penny mush dropped a clanger, golly gosh crikey loo quaint wind up a load of old tosh fantastic, chinwag gormless brilliant old bloke my lady blower.

Golly gosh mush victoria sponge bevvy bodge fanny around cheesed off quaint gormless, morish I chinwag he legged it faff about Oxford bugger all mate, sloshed wind up grub William baking cakes up the duff A bit of how’s your father.



From $ 260

Community Services

From $ 144


From $ 230

Captopril Renography

From $ 76

Mental Health

From $ 45


From $ 55


Aged Care

From $ 260

Medical & Surgical

From $ 260


From $ 260

Diagnosis & Investigation

From $ 260

Community Services

From $ 260

Medical & Surgical

From $ 260

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"아직은 저도 한참 배우는 중이라 잘은 모르겠지만, 이번에 케이바이오엑스 글로벌세미나, 멘토링, 분과활동을 통해서 좋은 자극을 많이 받았고 각국의 여러 연구자분들의 강연을 들으면서 앞으로 나아가야 할 길에 대해서 더 구체적으로 생각할 수 있는 기회를 가질 수 있었습니다. 이런 세미나와 활동들이 꾸준하게 잘 이루어졌으면 좋겠습니다."

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